Ana Aceituno

Human Quality Trainer

Through the professional activities of training, coaching, mentoring, conferences and consultancy, she promotes human quality with the values of trust, growth, building change, excellence and humanism.

Candidate in the Top100 Women Leaders: Independent Professionals and Directors category.

I help the development of people and organizations that are firmly committed to their growth

Extensive proven experience in executive coaching, mentoring and training

25000 +

hours of training

15000 +


30 +

years of professional career

training human quality



Professional Awards

Gold Medal for the professionalization of the Protocol awarded by the Escuela Internacional de Protocolo


Corresponding Member of the Brazilian Academy of Ceremonial and Protocol (ABCP)


International Protocol Award to the Sacyr Vallehermoso company for good practice and understanding with the protocol departments of official entities.

Videos & Podcasts

Cómo la reactivación puede hacer más fuerte tu pyme BBVA

Ana, caso de éxito Generación Savia

Seminario Introducción al Coaching en UNIR

Ana Aceituno