About me

Certified Executive
Coach by Aecop
Ana Aceituno
Ana Aceituno is a Human Quality Trainer. She focuses all her work on developing people and organizations that are firmly committed to their growth. Through the professional activities of training, coaching, mentoring, conferences and consultancy, she promotes human quality with the values of trust, growth, building change, quality and humanism.
She has more than 30 years of professional experience with extensive know-how in management positions of marketing and protocol in important companies as Ferrovial, Broadnet and Sacyr where she worked as Director of Protocol and Corporate Marketing, achieving important business objectives and professional awards.
Ana Aceituno is a professor, certified executive coach by AECOP, speaker, certified business mentor by Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d and independent professional consultant in the areas of leadership, management skills and people management, communication and business protocol. She has extensive proven experience in executive coaching, mentoring and training.
She also collaborated on the radio program enComunicación for several seasons in the “Coaching para ti” and “Píldoras de inspiración” sections.

Certified Executive
Coach by Aecop
Ana Aceituno
Ana Aceituno is a Human Quality Trainer. She focuses all her work on developing people and organizations that are firmly committed to their growth. Through the professional activities of training, coaching, mentoring, conferences and consultancy, she promotes human quality with the values of trust, growth, building change, quality and humanism.
She has more than 30 years of professional experience with extensive know-how in management positions of marketing and protocol in important companies as Ferrovial, Broadnet and Sacyr where she worked as Director of Protocol and Corporate Marketing, achieving important business objectives and professional awards.
Ana Aceituno is a professor, certified executive coach by AECOP, speaker, certified business mentor by Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d and independent professional consultant in the areas of leadership, management skills and people management, communication and business protocol. She has extensive proven experience in executive coaching, mentoring and training.
She also collaborated on the radio program enComunicación for several seasons in the “Coaching para ti” and “Píldoras de inspiración” sections.
Main data
25000 +
30 +
40 +
25 +
15000 +
13 +

Professional Awards

Gold Medal for the professionalization of the Protocol awarded by the Escuela Internacional de Protocolo

Corresponding Member of the Brazilian Academy of Ceremonial and Protocol (ABCP)

International Protocol Award to the Sacyr Vallehermoso company for good practice and understanding with the protocol departments of official entities.